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2950 North Dobson Road #18
Chandler, AZ, 85224
United States


Lalelei: A Samoan word when translated means 'Beautiful' Lalelei defines beauty as grace that is internal, and emanates through an individual's kindness, countenance and soul. BEAUTY IS NOT CREATED, IT JUST IS. At Lalelei Lash And Beauty Bar we are not creating, but enhancing beauty that is already present. 

Lalelei Life. Salon Talk. Unfiltered. Real Talk

We Will Make It

Leata Fulilangi

So when piecing this lovely website together there was a section for "blogging" that came with this template and right as I was about to delete it....I thought what the heck, I've been meaning to buy a journal so why not use this site that I'm paying for monthly anyways..HAHAHAHAHA.. So HERE IT IS! I am committed to keeping this this is ALIVE and ACTIVE. Whether with entries from myself, entries from one of my Lalelei Lash Ladies or an entry with the latest and greatest in the BEAUTY industry; this will stay active so don't be a stranger, keep coming and feel free to drop a comment below If there is something you want to talk about, something you want to know more about...or if you just flat out want to send a SMILEY emoji I'm all about it.  

So with that, lets get going with this first official post; WE WILL MAKE IT...or else we got problems :)  I've always known I wanted to do something different. Something that challenged me, yet gave me joy. Did I know it would come in the form of a lash and beauty what a journey it has been.  Its just beginning and I find myself wondering at times if I prematurely entered a world unknown and will I make the cut??!?? ...I suppose time will tell...actually NO, I will tell; and I will make it. Where ever it is my crazy, indecisive self leads me..I'll make it. Sure I find myself at times pulling into Sonic Drive Thru at 11:55pm ordering a 44oz dirty diet coke, wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into...BUT I'm still trucking here's to the journey!

Whatever it is that YOU may be wondering about...whatever journey YOU are on; YOU'LL MAKE IT!! Know that I'm cheering you. Know that it's not going to be easy..and also know that yes it's absolutely ok to hit up the Sonic Drive Thru at's absolutely ok.  Hang in there, we're going to make it :)

All my love,
