Are We There Yet???
Leata Fulilangi
Because the title of this post I feel it necessary to add a side note that I am listening to Ice Cubes greatest hits; RIGHT NOW!! hahaha
Ok ok ok thanks for the laughs now onto the good stuff. Do you ever go through a hardship, a struggle...or something just rough and find yourself ending each day wondering AM I THERE YET?!?!!? Have I learned that hard life lesson that I'm suppose to learn and can I have some good days already??.. Thats where I am at. I am tired. I'm ready to give up and I think it should be ok. Be mindful of who you share your despair with, because most the time they tell you it'll be ok and Im here to say....IT WILL BE OK. My personal life and lash career seem to follow suite of one another in many ways. My lash career in the beginning was a nightmare. My poor sisters lay victim to countless hours of lash practice with their eyes being glued close more often then I dare to admit. In likeness, my personal life has had its fair amount of frustrations with marrying young and starting a family while I myself was still a baby (19 years old) ...but through the years with commitment and with the help of my trusting friends and family, my lash skill began to grow. I found I was establishing a clientele and fast forward to today I've got something pretty awesome in the works...Well...I'm waiting for my personal life to get the memo and take the turn for the positive so seriously; AM I THERE YET!??? ..Guys no one says how hard its going to be being a wife, mom, business owner...(*the list is still going in my head in case you're wondering*)..they all say it'll be worth it....they better be right...ahahaha..I'm thankful for friends and family who like lashing, have remained close and ever so mindful of me.... so I will keep going going and hold onto the hope and faith that better days are coming. WE will get there...(where ever there may be) and it'll be worth all the heartache along the way....Tonight i'm going to sleep knowing that I may not be there yet, but I'm on my way.
All my love my sweet friends