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2950 North Dobson Road #18
Chandler, AZ, 85224
United States


Lalelei: A Samoan word when translated means 'Beautiful' Lalelei defines beauty as grace that is internal, and emanates through an individual's kindness, countenance and soul. BEAUTY IS NOT CREATED, IT JUST IS. At Lalelei Lash And Beauty Bar we are not creating, but enhancing beauty that is already present. 

Borboleta Combo Lash Training

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Borboleta Combo Lash Training

  • Lalelei Lash and Beauty Bar 2950 North Dobson Road #18 Chandler, AZ, 85224 United States (map)

Lalelei is hosting a COMBO lash course for Classic and Volume lash training! The Combo course will take place over 3 days the last weekend of March! We are also offering the Classic and Volume courses individually:

Classic Lash Training- 1 Day Course (March 26th)

Volume Lash Training -2 Day Course (March27th & March 28th)

Combo Lash Training- 3 Day Course (March26th, 27th, & 28th)