After The Storm Comes The Rainbow
Leata Fulilangi
So let me preface this post with what I know you all are thinking after reading that title; SKITTLES.... TASTE THE RAINBOW!
Now we shall begin :) ..It's not just me right!?!? More often then not it's just too easy to focus on all the BAD. It's easy to wallow in self pity and pull up to a Bosa Donuts at 1am feeling sorry for yourself while the sweet donut man hands you free, day old glazed donuts while you wait for your Taro shake..(notice a theme here with my posts....clearly I am a comfort eater..UGH) much as I love Bosa Donuts, Sonic Drive-thru cinabons (with Diet Coke), Sodalicious....(OMG who am I...) ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
There is too much to be grateful for to allow myself to doubt that through it all, there will be a rainbow at the end. I've recently taken up a gratitude journal. At the end of day whether it's one word, one sentence, or one paragraph; I will make the time to write down FIVE things I am/was grateful for in that day. It's been a solid two weeks and the change has been subtle ... its been so subtle that until tonight I didn't realize the small changes to my attitude. While putting my kids to bed tonight my 5 year old said to me "Mom, thanks for working a long day and still reading to me..." now normally at the end of a long day I'm not going to lie, in my mind I've tuned my sweet kids out. I've checked out mentally and I'm sound asleep in my bed...but tonight..I was there, all there despite the long hours at work, the countless days of no sleep..every part of me was wide awake trying to catch every second of this nightly routine that so often I'm not really "there" for.....tonight I am reminded of my own rainbow...The reason why despite how hard some days are, I have so much to be grateful for. I am grateful for resilient children that love me more then I deserve...I am grateful for amazing, beautiful young women that I get the pleasure of working alongside each day. I am grateful for the lives I've crossed paths with doing what I love to do; LASHING!!!! I am grateful for each of you...for being part of my rainbow!!!
The storms of life are inevitable. They come in so many different forms; relationships, financial hardships, work/home balance, the list is endless. BUT just stop.. and take it all in. Your rainbow is waiting for you! I know it's hard. But aren't those rainbows just so darn pretty?!?!?! What do you have to be grateful for? Remind yourself daily and you'd be surprised how quickly that storm passes :) Know that I am thinking of you! Do me a favor and let me know if you need help reaching your rainbow ok?!!? All My Love..